John A Dabell, ‘St. Wilfrid’s Church Hickleton: The Building Development of a Parish Church.’
Number one in the Hickleton Parish Series, published by the Hickleton Heritage Trust. The book measures approximately 15cm by 21cm and contains 67 packed pages with 9 chapters covering the topics as follows; 1 Introduction; 2 An outline of the village; 3 Christianity in England; 4 The foundation of Hickleton church; 5 Hickleton church during the reformation; 6 Victorian restoration; 7 Twentieth century remedial work; 8 The twenty-first century; 9 Epilogue. Included are three black and white photographs, with ten line drawings of heraldry and building plans.
£3.00 + P&P 80p

A supplement to the above book on the building development has been produced to bring together as much information as possible on the ‘Known Incumbents Serving At St. Wilfrid’s Parish Church Hickleton c1150-1999’.
Compiled by John A Dabell. Number three in the Hickleton Parish Series, published by the Hickleton Heritage Trust. The supplement measures approximately 15cm by 21cm and consists of 16 pages of small font printing with an introduction followed by three sections covering the periods 1150-1535, 1559-1817 and 1817-1999 all complete with an overview of the period and notes quoted from the sources relating to each incumbent. A glossary of terms relating to clerical positions and terms within the church is included at the end.
£1.00 + P&P 35p