To arrange a Baptism or Wedding at Goldthorpe, Hickleton or Bolton Parish Church, please come to Goldthorpe Parish Church on a Wednesday evening between 6pm and 6:45pm.  Either the Vicar or one of the Parish team will be able to assist.

Baptism – In advance of booking a date, it would be useful to think of who you would like to invite to be a God Parent (max 4).  Only those who have been Baptised themselves can become a God parent.

Unlike other parishes, we have no fixed rules around attendance at Mass to qualify for a Baptism, however, we do encourage you to come along and take part in our Sunday morning services.  As lovely as it would be to welcome you and for you to be active in the faith in which you are baptising your child or even yourself into, it is also good for children to feel at ease in the building in advance of their Baptism.

Marriage –   When you come to book your wedding, both parties will need to attend and bring along some ID (Passport or Driving license).  This is a legal requirement.  At the same time we can advice you of the timings of things on the big day, the rehearsal and the ‘Calling of Banns’.

There are also legalities concerning residency with in the parish or a connection to the parish that we will need to ensure are followed.

Your Banns will need to be called in both the Parish that you currently live in AND at the the parish church you are to be married in advance of the Wedding. A certificate is provided following the 3rd Sunday that are called by the Parish Priest to confirm this has taken place.